Friday, August 21, 2009

NEW BOOK........O T T A W A.......UNIQUE



a traveller's guide to the odd, the curious, the beautiful of Canada's capital

Yes we want 2 page submissions from one and all who have a hidden gem, an unknown or unusual place to show the world traveler that Ottawa, the nation’s capital, has more unique and adventurous places to visit than those familiar museums, art galleries and parliament buildings. We want this book to have the good,bad,ugly of Ottawa. Ottawa with its pants down, the closets open, heart on it's sleeve - let the journey begin!


Page One: It be some form of explanation in text/graphics for the traveler/visitor to understand the significance/history/herstory of your ‘hidden gem’ ‘unique spot to see’ and location’

Page Two: submit a pic, sketch, drawing of ur submission (see examples below - jpeg min300dpi)

FINAL BOOK SIZE 81/2”by51/2”–deadline summer2010

For more info contact bookshandmade@yahoo.ca

OR click here for more details

Sunday, August 16, 2009


Making the patio look inviting for the next writer's
gathering at BOOKSHANDMADE.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Another Saturday another NEONMATISSE SHOW

ECOLOGICAL OTTAWA held it's summer offerings at Minto Park
today. It was all about art and recycling! I snapped up a
nice spot under a big elm and stayed cool in the 40 c. heat.

Saturday, August 1, 2009


MAIL ART GALORE @ TIMOTHY's Cafe in Sandy Hill on Laurier

MAIL ART GALORE All welcome to view MAIL ART GALORE - The gallery of MAIL ART showing 01August to end of month at TIMOTHY's Cafe, 234 Laurier East in Sandy Hill all day every day. MAIL ART is something relatively new to the art scene and the first time the community can view this novel art form. It is Global in scope and ideas that represent the world of artist and art - sent via Snail Mail around the world. Each piece is original and unique represent the artist and their special culture. Come on down see for urself. Contact: Helene Lacelle aka Neon Matisse or Peter Evanchuck at bookshandmade@yahoo.ca

My digital composites of vintage images with my folk art paintings fill up the front walls.

Part 2 of my all summer long show at Timothy's Cafe/Gallery went up this morning with the help of my curator pal Maria von Finckenstein. My resin collages and mosaics cover the north and south walls on the Cafe.